ESS – Sustainability where it is most needed


ESS works in tandem with your team, offering cost-effective and customised ESG, HSEC, and sustainability solutions in Africa and emerging economies.

Download our brochures to learn more about our services:

Our Services

HSEC Outsourcing

Our unique HSEC (Health, Safety, Environment and Communities) Outsourcing services are designed for companies and projects, simplifying HSEC management in order to get your projects up and running quickly in line with national and international requirements – all for a simple monthly fee.

We provide a HSEC management team and management system, needed to demonstrate compliance to investors and ensure the implementation of all aspects of HSEC management. Individual HSEC roles can also be provided (i.e. Social and Communities Specialist, Biodiversity Specialist etc.).

The following HSEC implementation team and management system is provided:

  • A full-time in-country HSEC Manager
  • A support team comprising an experienced HSEC Director and a Senior Partner
  • An HSEC Management System, comprising the main policies, plans, procedures and other documents that can be prepared without requiring external specialists
  • Back office support provided by our dedicated remote HSEC team, ensuring that any issues are handled in accordance with national and international standards, as quickly and economically as possible.

ESG Outsourcing

Specifically designed for banks, funds, programmes and corporate group of companies, our unique ESG Outsourcing services assist our clients to enhance their ESG performance, proactively managing ESG risks and seizing opportunities to create long-term value for shareholders, stakeholders and society.

We provide an ESG management team and management system, required by international standards and ensuring that ESG risks are identified and proactively managed throughout your deal-flow. Additional ESG team members can also be provided to match your success as deal-flow increases.

The following ESG implementation team and management system is provided:

  • A full-time ESG Manager at your offices
  • A support team comprising an experienced ESG Director and a Senior Partner
  • An ESG Management System, comprising the main policies, plans, procedures and other documents focused on screening, deal-flow and proactive risk management
  • Back office support provided by our dedicated remote ESG team, ensuring that any issues are handled in accordance with national and international standards, as quickly and economically as possible.

Management Systems

We specialise in developing HSEC and ESG Management Systems (also called ESMS or HSMS) at the project and corporate / investor level, providing expertise and documentation to ensure that applicable standards are implemented as quickly and effectively as possible.

Leveraging our database of over 100 template documents, we implement, audit and continually improve your Management System, all in line with ISO requirements as well as financier ESG standards, such as the IFC Performance Standards.

Services we provide include:

  • Develop and update key Management System documents to meet international standards, national legislation and key sector requirements
  • Identify your organisation’s HSEC / ESG staffing and budget needs, ensuring that diversity, gender and other key issues are accounted for appropriately
  • Undertake specialist studies and management plans, such as biodiversity (i.e. Biodiversity Action Plan, Offset Feasibility Study etc.) and social and communities planning (i.e. Resettlement Action Plan, Livelihood Restoration Plan, Compensation Plan, Community Development Plan etc.)

Due Diligence and Gap Analysis ​

What looks like a profitable financial investment can sometimes conceal hidden ESG challenges. Resolving these issues after financial close may result in additional permitting requirements, excessive delay, increased costs or even threaten the viability of your investment.

We dig below the surface to ensure potential environmental and social issues linked to your investment are identified, providing a clear and cost-effective pathway to full compliance with international standards, national regulations and best practice.

ESS can support you to:

  • Conduct a Due Diligence or Gap Analysis to identify outstanding HSECMS and resourcing gaps, and develop an action plan to address these
  • Identify and manage ESG risks in investments, divestments, mergers and acquisitions, specialising in emerging economies
  • Develop an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) in line with the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards and other international standards

IESC and Auditing

We support investors and companies to monitor ESG performance and align their projects with internationally-respected frameworks, such as the IFC Performance Standards and the Equator Principles.

Investors regularly engage us as an Independent Environmental & Social Consultant (IESC), guiding investees while ensuring that ESG risks are proactively addressed.

For companies, we undertake third-party ESG audits that result in a roadmap which is both practical and proportional to the organisation’s activities and potential impacts.

Our services include:

  • Act as IESC on behalf of investors, providing proactive, cost-effective advice that meets investor compliance requirements
  • Undertake third-party audits on behalf of companies and projects, providing a roadmap to meeting investor expectations in order to access international finance and secure project funding
  • Provide E&S performance monitoring for projects, working with both project investors and developers simultaneously to agree an ESG strategy and monitor performance from construction to operations.

Social and Communities

Communities and stakeholders have the power to derail your project when their needs and expectations aren’t proactively and transparently managed.

Our Social and Communities Department provides services designed to generate win-win solutions to difficult issues such as resettlement, livelihood restoration, compensation and stakeholder engagement.

We are also regularly engaged to assess key social issues such as community development needs, human rights, gender and diversity, gender-based violence and cultural heritage.

ESS can support you to:

  • Prepare and implement Resettlement Action Plans, Livelihood Restoration Plans and compensation, in line with IFC PS5 and documented appropriately
  • Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan and engage proactively with stakeholders to inspire trust and buy-in throughout the project lifecycle
  • Undertake Human Rights Impact Assessments as per the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)
  • Provide a Social & Communities Team via our HSEC Outsourcing service, with local specialists supporting to implement on the ground.


Investors and governments increasingly prioritise biodiversity risks, and where impacts are significant, may expect your project to contribute to net biodiversity gain over time.

Our Biodiversity Department provides services to identify and resolve potential biodiversity issues facing your project scientifically, applying the mitigation hierarchy of avoid, mitigate, restore / rehabilitate, and offset / compensate.

ESS can support you to:

  • Identify risks associated with biodiversity, deforestation and ecosystem impacts as early in the project development cycle as possible

  • Develop a Biodiversity Action Plan and/or a Closure and Rehabilitation Plan, as well as other related management system documentation

  • Provide a Biodiversity Team as part of our HSEC Outsourcing services, including specialists experienced in managing key species, reforestation, closure and rehabilitation.

Green / Sustainable Finance ​

We support financial institutions to develop green and sustainable financial instruments and policies, reviewing portfolios and loan books while identifying opportunities to leverage new and evolving markets.

We also are experienced in integrating climate, gender and other ESG-related risks and opportunities into such instruments, as well as aligning with frameworks such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD; now part of the ISSB Sustainability Standards).

Services ESS provides include:

  • Undertake an ESG review of portfolios and/or loan books
  • Develop Green / Sustainable Finance strategies for your institution
  • Carry out scoping and feasibility studies on green financial instruments and policy
  • Undertake capacity building and training to develop competencies and understanding of how such instruments are deployed.

Sustainability, Climate and Carbon

We have a strong track record when it comes to undertaking assessments for sustainability, climate and carbon / greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

This reflects heightened interest in how organisations contribute to the SDGs, as well as increasing regulatory requirements regarding the financial cost of managing climate-related risks (e.g. TCFD).

We are also experts at generating carbon credits, accompanying you through feasibility, off-taker identification, sale of credits and carbon sequestration monitoring.

ESS can support you to:

  • Develop your annual Sustainability Report, either as a standalone document or as part of annual reporting.
  • Identify and plan for key climate risks covering climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, in line with the Equator Principles requirements
  • Quantify your current and future carbon / GHG footprint with Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon accounting, scenario analyses, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and emissions reduction planning in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
  • Evaluate the potential for carbon credits arising from your activities, and provide a team to develop your carbon project.

Training and Capacity Building​​

We are leaders in the provision of training on HSEC, ESG and sustainability issues, with our own proprietary learning platform and curriculum on the material issues applicable to your industry.

The ESG landscape is changing rapidly, and it is critical to the success of your business activities that your team is up-to-date on best practice and cost-effective solutions.

We develop capacity through a “learning-by-doing” teaching method, supplemented with in-person and online courses tailored for each level of your organisation, from executive to intern – ensuring that the most important concepts are retained and applied well after our engagement.

Our capacity building and training programme aims to:

  • Provide in-person capacity building and training sessions to your corporate and in-country teams
  • Develop key concepts and apply them in case studies drawn from your industry and best practice within an emerging markets setting and internationally
  • Leverage our online training platform to ensure key learnings are refreshed as and when required

Contact Us

Senegal Office:

Office: +221 33 860 9352
Mobile: +221 77 099 0555

Kazakhstan Office:

Mobile: +7 702 160 1717

General Enquiries:

Careers & Human Resources:

Accounts & Finance:

Head Office:

Rue YF 488 x Rue YF 498

Virage, Dakar, Senegal

Our Services

Our Services

HSEC Outsourcing

Our unique HSEC (Health, Safety, Environment and Communities) Outsourcing services are designed for companies and projects, simplifying HSEC management in order to get your projects up and running quickly in line with national and international requirements – all for a simple monthly fee.

We provide an ESG management team and management system, required by international standards and ensuring that ESG risks are identified and proactively managed throughout your deal-flow. Additional ESG team members can also be provided to match your success as deal-flow increases.

The following HSEC implementation team and management system is provided:

  • A full-time in-country HSEC Manager
  • A support team comprising an experienced HSEC Director and a Senior Partner
  • An HSEC Management System, comprising the main policies, plans, procedures and other documents that can be prepared without requiring external specialists
  • Back office support provided by our dedicated remote HSEC team, ensuring that any issues are handled in accordance with national and international standards, as quickly and economically as possible.

ESG Outsourcing

Specifically designed for banks, funds, programmes and corporate group of companies, our unique ESG Outsourcing services assist our clients to enhance their ESG performance, proactively managing ESG risks and seizing opportunities to create long-term value for shareholders, stakeholders and society.

We provide an ESG management team and management system, required by international standards and ensuring that ESG risks are identified and proactively managed throughout your deal-flow. Additional ESG team members can also be provided to match your success as deal-flow increases.

The following ESG implementation team and management system is provided:

  • A full-time ESG Manager at your offices
  • A support team comprising an experienced ESG Director and a Senior Partner
  • An ESG Management System, comprising the main policies, plans, procedures and other documents focused on screening, deal-flow and proactive risk management
  • Back office support provided by our dedicated remote ESG team, ensuring that any issues are handled in accordance with national and international standards, as quickly and economically as possible.

Management Systems

We specialise in developing HSEC and ESG Management Systems (also called ESMS or HSMS) at the project and corporate / investor level, providing expertise and documentation to ensure that applicable standards are implemented as quickly and effectively as possible.

Leveraging our database of over 100 template documents, we implement, audit and continually improve your Management System, all in line with ISO requirements as well as financier ESG standards, such as the IFC Performance Standards.

Services we provide include:

  • Develop and update key Management System documents to meet international standards, national legislation and key sector requirements
  • Identify your organisation’s HSEC / ESG staffing and budget needs, ensuring that diversity, gender and other key issues are accounted for appropriately
  • Undertake specialist studies and management plans, such as biodiversity (i.e. Biodiversity Action Plan, Offset Feasibility Study etc.) and social and communities planning (i.e. Resettlement Action Plan, Livelihood Restoration Plan, Compensation Plan, Community Development Plan etc.)

Due Diligence and Gap Analysis

What looks like a profitable financial investment can sometimes conceal hidden ESG challenges. Resolving these issues after financial close may result in additional permitting requirements, excessive delay, increased costs or even threaten the viability of your investment.

We dig below the surface to ensure potential environmental and social issues linked to your investment are identified, providing a clear and cost-effective pathway to full compliance with international standards, national regulations and best practice.

ESS can support you to:

  • Conduct a Due Diligence or Gap Analysis to identify outstanding HSECMS and resourcing gaps, and develop an action plan to address these
  • Identify and manage ESG risks in investments, divestments, mergers and acquisitions, specialising in emerging economies
  • Develop an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) in line with the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards and other international standards

IESC and Auditing

We support investors and companies to monitor ESG performance and align their projects with internationally-respected frameworks, such as the IFC Performance Standards and the Equator Principles.

Investors regularly engage us as an Independent Environmental & Social Consultant (IESC), guiding investees while ensuring that ESG risks are proactively addressed.

For companies, we undertake third-party ESG audits that result in a roadmap which is both practical and proportional to the organisation’s activities and potential impacts.

Our services include:

  • Act as IESC on behalf of investors, providing proactive, cost-effective advice that meets investor compliance requirements
  • Undertake third-party audits on behalf of companies and projects, providing a roadmap to meeting investor expectations in order to access international finance and secure project funding
  • Provide E&S performance monitoring for projects, working with both project investors and developers simultaneously to agree an ESG strategy and monitor performance from construction to operations.

Social and Communities

Communities and stakeholders have the power to derail your project when their needs and expectations aren’t proactively and transparently managed.

Our Social and Communities Department provides services designed to generate win-win solutions to difficult issues such as resettlement, livelihood restoration, compensation and stakeholder engagement.

We are also regularly engaged to assess key social issues such as community development needs, human rights, gender and diversity, gender-based violence and cultural heritage.

ESS can support you to:

  • Prepare and implement Resettlement Action Plans, Livelihood Restoration Plans and compensation, in line with IFC PS5 and documented appropriately
  • Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan and engage proactively with stakeholders to inspire trust and buy-in throughout the project lifecycle
  • Undertake Human Rights Impact Assessments as per the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)
  • Provide a Social & Communities Team via our HSEC Outsourcing service, with local specialists supporting to implement on the ground.


Investors and governments increasingly prioritise biodiversity risks, and where impacts are significant, may expect your project to contribute to net biodiversity gain over time.

Our Biodiversity Department provides services to identify and resolve potential biodiversity issues facing your project scientifically, applying the mitigation hierarchy of avoid, mitigate, restore / rehabilitate, and offset / compensate.

ESS can support you to:

  • Identify risks associated with biodiversity, deforestation and ecosystem impacts as early in the project development cycle as possible

  • Develop a Biodiversity Action Plan and/or a Closure and Rehabilitation Plan, as well as other related management system documentation

  • Provide a Biodiversity Team as part of our HSEC Outsourcing services, including specialists experienced in managing key species, reforestation, closure and rehabilitation.

Green / Sustainable Finance

We support financial institutions to develop green and sustainable financial instruments and policies, reviewing portfolios and loan books while identifying opportunities to leverage new and evolving markets.

We also are experienced in integrating climate, gender and other ESG-related risks and opportunities into such instruments, as well as aligning with frameworks such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD; now part of the ISSB Sustainability Standards).

Services ESS provides include:

  • Undertake an ESG review of portfolios and/or loan books
  • Develop Green / Sustainable Finance strategies for your institution
  • Carry out scoping and feasibility studies on green financial instruments and policy
  • Undertake capacity building and training to develop competencies and understanding of how such instruments are deployed.

Sustainability, Climate and Carbon

We have a strong track record when it comes to undertaking assessments for sustainability, climate and carbon / greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

This reflects heightened interest in how organisations contribute to the SDGs, as well as increasing regulatory requirements regarding the financial cost of managing climate-related risks (e.g. TCFD).

We are also experts at generating carbon credits, accompanying you through feasibility, off-taker identification, sale of credits and carbon sequestration monitoring.

ESS can support you to:

  • Develop your annual Sustainability Report, either as a standalone document or as part of annual reporting.
  • Identify and plan for key climate risks covering climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, in line with the Equator Principles requirements
  • Quantify your current and future carbon / GHG footprint with Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon accounting, scenario analyses, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and emissions reduction planning in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
  • Evaluate the potential for carbon credits arising from your activities, and provide a team to develop your carbon project.

Training and Capacity Building​

We are leaders in the provision of training on HSEC, ESG and sustainability issues, with our own proprietary learning platform and curriculum on the material issues applicable to your industry.

The ESG landscape is changing rapidly, and it is critical to the success of your business activities that your team is up-to-date on best practice and cost-effective solutions.

We develop capacity through a “learning-by-doing” teaching method, supplemented with in-person and online courses tailored for each level of your organisation, from executive to intern – ensuring that the most important concepts are retained and applied well after our engagement.

Our capacity building and training programme aims to:

  • Provide in-person capacity building and training sessions to your corporate and in-country teams
  • Develop key concepts and apply them in case studies drawn from your industry and best practice within an emerging markets setting and internationally
  • Leverage our online training platform to ensure key learnings are refreshed as and when required

Contact Us

Senegal Office:

Office: +221 33 860 9352
Mobile: +221 77 099 0555

Kazakhstan Office:

Mobile: +7 702 160 1717

General Enquiries:

Careers & Human Resources:

Accounts & Finance:


Rue YF 488 x Rue YF 498

Virage, Dakar, Senegal